Estate Planning: Prepare for Long Term Care (Part 1)
This class will focus on leveraging your assets to provide your best possible care, while also protecting assets for children or other heirs.
This class will focus on leveraging your assets to provide your best possible care, while also protecting assets for children or other heirs.
This class will focus on leveraging your assets to provide your best possible care, while also protecting assets for children or other heirs.
Estate planning is not just for the wealthy—or the old. Nearly everyone has an “estate,” comprised of everything you own: your car, home, other real estate, checking and savings accounts, investments, life insurance, furniture, and personal possessions. Regardless of the size of your “estate,” good planning lets you control how your assets are given to […]
This class is for those who have already taken Estate Planning Essentials or who have a solid knowledge of estate planning basics. We will dive deeper into end-of-life planning. We’ll […]
As we get older, many of us wrestle with important questions: Do I want to age in place or move to a new living environment? What will my health needs […]